
Sky Carrier (スカイキャリア Sky Carrier?) is a Martian tactical transport aircraft that appears in the ALDNOAH.ZERO television series.

Technology & Combat Characteristics[]

The Sky Carrier is a Vers tactical transport aircraft built to transport Kataphrakts to their destination. It can also be utilized for transporting infantry and other land based assault forces.

It is unknown whether Sky carriers Aldnoah Drive, but likely, considering the wide diffusion of such devices across Vers culture.


  • 10x Howitzer Cannons
The Sky Carrier has 2 rotating Howitzer cannons, designed to be able to attack in all directions and provide cover fire for Martian assault forces.


According to Princess Asseylum Vers Allusia, it possesses no special equipment other than machine guns and missiles. (AZ: "The Children's Echelon")

Another Sky Carrier transported Sir Vlad's Argyre to attack a UFE fleet where Inaho and the others were resting and resupplying. (AZ: "Point of No Return")

Seeking out to find Asseylum, Slaine steals a Sky Carrier and moves out on his own. Eventually, he engages Femianne and her Hellas, who was also fighting the Wadatatsumi crew. Slaine and Inaho notice and rely on each other for support, and Inaho eventually boards Slaine's Sky Carrier. The two together take out the Hellas rocket fists. After the battle, the two try to know each other's intentions, but it ends up backfiring. As a result, they end up firing on each other, ending with Slaine crashing into the ocean. (AZ: "The Boys of Earth")


Notes & Trivia[]

  • When the Nilokeras deployed its dimensional barrier around the Sky Carrier, it also covered the wings with it (as seen when one of the F-22 pilots shot at the wings with his machine gun). Since the dimensional barrier absorbs all matter, that means it should absorb any air flowing against it, making the wings useless and causing the Sky Carrier to drop from the sky along with its luggage. Instead, it was able to continue flying as before with no trouble, so it's possible that problem was accounted for.